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Stainless Steel Lit Windsock
A heliport must be equipped with at least one wind direction indicator. It should be placed to reflect wind conditions without being affected by the turmoil caused by nearby objects or the flow down of the rotor. It must be visible from a helicopter in flight, in hover, or when moving on the ground, it must be built to provide a clear indication of the direction of the wind and an indicative measurement of wind speed. It is made of a cone shaped light fabric, the indicator color should be chosen to be clearly visible and understandable from a height of at least 200 m above the heliport, taking into account the background, where possible it is better to adopt a single color, preferably white or orange. When it is required a combination of two colors, to provide adequate contrast against a variable background, it must be white and orange, white and red or white and black, they are arranged in five alternate bands, the first and the last one of the darker color. A wind direction indicator on a heliport with nocturnal activity must be illuminated.Product characteristics
- Fabric polyester/acrylic, 100% Teflon dope dyed yarn, totally waterproof in black and red, complete with fiberglass reinforcement collar, aeronautical legislation (ICAO) compliant for heliports, helideck
- Wind speed: 100 mph
Power supply
Installation and storage
- Permanent fixingFastening the circle hold sleeve by means of studs that surround the circumference of entrance, making the operation very quickly and easily.
- Ground fixingFischer 8 mm
Reference standars
ICAO Annesso 14, Vol. 2, cap. 5-3-8- Pictures and photos on this site could not represents exactly the actual product delivered to the customer.
If you require further details or would like to place an order. Please contact our sales team directly
Tel: 01257 471177
Tel: 01257 471060
Email: accounts@s915767621.websitehome.co.uk
Stainless Steel Lit Windsock